On 4 March 1824 John Cadbury opened his first shop selling cocoa, tea and coffee on Bull Street, Birmingham. In 1861 Richard and George Cadbury took over the family business and created the UK’s first totally pure drinking cocoa.

In 1871 Cadbury was among the first to introduce bank holidays for its workers, something which had previously been reserved for bankers. In 1879 George Cadbury created Bournville, ‘The Factory in a Garden’, believing workers should be surrounded by pleasant green spaces.
1904 On Robert Falcon Scott’s maiden voyage to the South Pole, he left behind Cadbury’s cocoa essence that later explorers would find.

1914 Cadbury introduced iconic purple into its packaging.

1938 Cadbury Roses were introduced, named after the favourite flowers of Dorothy Cadbury, a director of the company and renowned botanist.
1941 Throughout the Second World War, Cadbury ‘Angels’ created over 30,000 care packages for front line soldiers.

1971 Cadbury introduced the Crème Egg.

1970s The official Cadbury Hornby dispenser had a vintage decor with a tiled roof and chimney and art deco styling. The original version in the 1970s required a 2p coin. [Readers, I had one of these, if only I’d kept it! I think my sister may still have hers]

1990 Cadbury World opens, welcoming over half a million people every year
2012 Cadbury sponsors the London Olympic Games