75th anniversary of David Lean’s ‘Great Expectations’

Regarded as one of David Lean’s greatest films, ‘Great Expectations’, starring John Mills (as Pip), Alec Guinness, Bernard Miles, Jean Simmons and others, was released on 26 December 1946. On the BFI’s list of 100 top films (1999), it reached 5th place. It was the first of two films Lean directed based of Dickens’ novels … Continue reading “75th anniversary of David Lean’s ‘Great Expectations’”

17 December 2021 by

Rosa Parks Day 1 December

Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who refused to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. Her defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott; its success launched nationwide efforts to end racial segregation of public facilities. Ohio and Oregon commemorate the occasion on the anniversary of … Continue reading “Rosa Parks Day 1 December”

1 December 2021 by

World AIDS Day 1 December

World AIDS Day takes place on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. Founded in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first ever global health … Continue reading “World AIDS Day 1 December”

1 December 2021 by


Hanukkah (28 November-6 December) celebrates the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the 160s BC. After outlawing the Jewish religion and Jewish practices, King Antiochus IV decreed that Jews must worship Greek gods in the Temple. The word ‘Hanukkah’ means dedication and commemorates the triumph of a band of rebel Jews known as the … Continue reading “Hanukkah”

28 November 2021 by

Birmingham 150

Hear from Emma Berwick (International Business with Languages student) who recently attended the Birmingham 150 programme which she found to be a very valuable experience A four-day online programme, Birmingham 150 was focused on sustainability and our environmental impact. On the first day, we introduced ourselves and shared our opinions on certain topics. We were … Continue reading “Birmingham 150”

23 November 2021 by

UK Disability History Month (18 November-18 December)

The joint themes for this year’s UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) are: Disability and Hidden Impairment Disability Sex and Relationships Running since 2010, this is an annual event creating a platform to focus on the history of our struggle for equality and human rights. The 4-week period covers covers HIV/AIDS Day (1 December), International Day of … Continue reading “UK Disability History Month (18 November-18 December)”

17 November 2021 by

Remembrance Day

At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we will remember them.  The Armistice, an agreement to end the fighting of the First World War as a prelude to peace negotiations, began at 11am on 11 November 1918.

11 November 2021 by

200th anniversary of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s birth

Fyodor Dostoevsky (Dostoyevsky) [11 November 1821-9 February 1881], renowned Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, and journalist, his literary works explore human psychology in the troubled political, social and spiritual atmospheres of 19th century Russia. His most notable works were: Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, with his 1864 novella ‘Notes from Underground’ considered to … Continue reading “200th anniversary of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s birth”

11 November 2021 by

Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (6-7 November)

The Birth of Baháʼu’lláh is one of nine holy days in the Bahá’i calendar that is celebrated by Bahá’is and during which work is suspended. The holy day celebrates the birth of Bahá’u’lláh the founder of the Baháʼí Faith.  Bahá’u’lláh was born on 12 November 1817 in Tehran, Iran and this holy day was instituted in the Kitab-i-Aqdas, his … Continue reading “Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (6-7 November)”

6 November 2021 by