Following our session last term on fandoms, we are delving deeper into the world with a Page Breaks dedicated to K-pop (Korean pop music)! We will focus on the parasocial relationships found in the K-pop fandom and the different iterations, meanings, and implications of the fandom.
Reading an article from Teen Vogue about fandoms, specifically K-pop, will help us to understand what a parasocial relationship is, while the Radiolab podast episode, ‘K-poparazzi’ gives a great overview of K-pop, fame, and the K-pop fandom.
See you all there!
When and Where
1pm, Monday 18th March, Arts 250 (Fage Room)
The room is on the second floor of the Arts building
You can access a PDF of this week’s texts on our password-protected page – email Dorothy (d.butchard@bham.ac.uk) for the password.