2nd July 2019 by

Rebekah Sheldon Form/Matter/Chora – July 9th 5:15pm

For the final session of our six week schedule we will be reading Rebekah Sheldon’s ‘Form/Matter/Chora: Object-Oriented Ontology and Feminist New Materialism’ from the Nonhuman Turn. This session hopes to tie up some of the themes explored over the course of the previous weeks by engaging with Sheldon’s exploration of a ‘newly emergent realism in the humanities’. Particularly Sheldon regards both Object-Oriented Ontology and New Materialism and their respective critiques of representation. Sheldon, rather than seeing these two fields as alike, sees the potential crossover as a missaprehension. She argues that these two fields differ in their histories, and the problems they were originally designed to face.

As this chapter is relatively long compared to the reading of previous weeks, please feel free to read as much, or as little, or it as you like.

The session will take place at 5:15pm on Tuesday July 9th in the Westmere Hub. Please contact Ben Horn  @ bxh873@student.bham.ac.uk for readings, and to be added to the reading list.

We also welcome suggestions for future readings in following weeks.

Looking forward to seeing you all,

Arzu, Ben & Niall