Kodwo Eshun – ‘Further Considerations on Afrofuturism’ (23/7/19)

This week we will be looking at Kodwo Eshun’s ‘Further Considerations of Afrofuturism’. As a philosophical and aesthetic movement examining the effects of the African Diaspora through technoculture and science fiction, Afrofuturism is both historical and rebellious. Taking the long view of history, its authors imagine possible futures that stem from diasporic experiences. Eshun’s daring … Continue reading “Kodwo Eshun – ‘Further Considerations on Afrofuturism’ (23/7/19)”

17 July 2019 by

Heroes and Epic (Wed 15 May 2019)

This week we’ll be thinking about heroes and epic, reading two texts as a starting-point: a short section from Dean Miller’s The Epic Hero and passages from Derek Walcott’s poem Omeros.

9 May 2019 by

Presenting Your Research: Advice & Practice Session (2pm, Tue 21 May)

This afternoon event will provide advice on presenting your research, followed by an opportunity to practice this in a friendly and informal setting. The advice session (14:00-15:00) will include tips on writing and delivering conference papers, framing your research topic for a non-specialist audience, and responding to questions (eg at conferences or in progress panels). … Continue reading “Presenting Your Research: Advice & Practice Session (2pm, Tue 21 May)”

1 May 2019 by

Works Loved: How Texts Matter To Us (27 March 2019)

Academia can often feel overwhelming, with multiple pressures competing for our time and headspace. This seminar is about remembering why we got into this business in the first place – namely, the ‘love’ (and we can discuss this term) we feel for the books, poems, and ideas that make up our discipline.

27 March 2019 by

Why Ecopoetry? (Wed 13 March, 2pm)

This week we are thinking about poetics and environmentalism, reading John Shoptaw’s essay ‘Why Ecopoetry?’ (2016). Many thanks to Miranda Jones for suggesting our text this week.

12 March 2019 by