Pop Culture Theory Group (5pm, Wed 18th Oct)

Next session: Wednesday 18th October, 5-7pm We’ll be discussing Genre Theory via Tzvetan Todorov’s essay ‘The Origin of Genres’, but please come along even if you don’t have time to read it. Contact Georgie at gxr697@student.bham.ac.uk for access to the reading, along with location details and the zoom link.

9 October 2023 by

Page Breaks: Illegal Archives (1pm, Mon 16 Oct)

For our next Page Breaks, we’re talking about illegal online archives: what they mean for researchers, for those outside the academy and traditional educational structures, as well as more general discussion on academic paywalls, publishing, libraries, and other online ebook archives. We’ll listen to one podcast episode and read one short article to open up … Continue reading “Page Breaks: Illegal Archives (1pm, Mon 16 Oct)”

6 October 2023 by

Ekphrastic Encounters (Oct 18th / Dec 6th)

Ekphrastic Encounters is a newly established inter-disciplinary discussion and research forum that will examine and debate the encounter or exchange between word and image using a reciprocal and inclusive model of ekphrasis.

2 October 2023 by

English Literature Postgraduate Researchers – Induction and Welcome

On Thursday 28th September, we’ll have a welcome event for all new postgraduate researchers in English Literature. This will complement the Graduate School and EDACS inductions, and offer you a chance to meet fellow new starters in the department. It’ll be informal and friendly, so please do come along! This event will be hybrid: simultaneously … Continue reading “English Literature Postgraduate Researchers – Induction and Welcome”

11 September 2023 by

DL Research Connections

Join us for the first in a new series of informal research + conversation sessions for distance learning postgraduate researchers in English Literature. Monday 24th April 4:30pm, via Zoom.

6 April 2023 by