It might seem like it has all gone quiet at the Estoria project, but of course that is not really the case! You know us – we are hardworking researchers. We are continuing to beaver away on our transcriptions and we feel like we can see light at the end of the tunnel. Hooray! We are well on the way to completing the checking of the transcriptions of E1 and E2, Enrique is continuing with T which is getting towards completion, before he turns his hand to Q, and Fiona is storming through Ss. Meanwhile, Aengus has been busy sorting out potential new avenues for the continuation of the project, so we have our fingers crossed for those. Crowdsourcing is going from strength to strength and the collation tool is almost hot to trot. Over the coming weeks there are to be some exciting updates to Textual Communities, the transcription platform we use, courtesy of the IT experts based over in Saskatchewan, so we are looking forward to having a little play with those – they sound great, and there are other technical improvements going on behind the scenes too, to do with servers and mirroring and prototypes and other jargon that I’m not entirely convinced I understood when I was told about it (if you’re reading this Zeth, I *was* listening in the meeting, honest). So many IT changes have meant that the blog has gone a little quiet as at the moment it’s not quite doing as it’s told, so we can’t upload any images. For this reason my latest meaty blog-post about manuscripts, and a cakey blog-post about, well, cake, will have to wait just a little longer before I can upload them. Try not to get too excited though Right, better leave this post there and crack on with this thesis (woe is me).