It’s oh so quiet…. or is it?

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The EDIT blog has gone a little quiet over the last few weeks, but rather than this meaning we are all in winter hibernation it is actually because we are all so busy working full steam on several aspects of the project.

We are almost done with transcribing and checking the fifth and final manuscripts of this phase of the project. Fiona is working like crazy on the prosopography part of the edition where users will be able to get information on the people and places of the Estoria. The front end of the project is coming along nicely, and although it’s only really a skeleton of what it will eventually be, it already looks great. Also, the preliminary organisation for the fourth EDIT colloquium  is well underway, and we hope to be able to give more details within the next few weeks. We can say that it will be in Birmingham in December. This is bound to be great because it will mark the end of the project and we will be launching our online edition.

Keep checking our Facebook page and this blog for more details about how the edition is coming along and to get our Call for Papers as soon as it is released.

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