We are pleased to announce our upcoming research seminar which will take place on April 14th 2016 at the University of Birmingham (Arts Building Room G37, 2.30pm). We will be hearing from two guests of the project, Mariana Leite and Rosa María Rodríguez Porto, as well as our very own Ricardo Pichel. All are invited … Continue reading “Upcoming Research Seminar”
Author: Polly Duxfield
The 4th Annual EDIT Colloquium – 13-15 December 2016, Birmingham
We are pleased to announce that preparations for the fourth annual EDIT colloquium are now well underway. The colloquium will take place at our home university, Birmingham, between Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th December 2016. The electronic edition of the Estoria that we have spent the past four years preparing will be launched during these … Continue reading “The 4th Annual EDIT Colloquium – 13-15 December 2016, Birmingham”
Beatriz of Swabia, a quick look at Alfonso’s mother, for Mother’s Day
It’s Mother’s Day here in the UK on Sunday, so I thought I’d have a little look at Queen Beatriz of Swabia, mother to everybody’s favourite mummy’s boy, Alfonso X. The fourth daughter of King Philip of Swabia and Queen Irene Angelina, Beatriz (or Elizabeth) was born in 1205 and was baptised Isabel. She was just … Continue reading “Beatriz of Swabia, a quick look at Alfonso’s mother, for Mother’s Day”
Impact impact impact
If you will excuse the slightly garish title, it is very much a reflection of how things are moving here at Estoria HQ. Alongside the final stages of our electronic edition of the Estoria, we are also heading an exciting initiative to bring the historiography of Alfonso X to the public. The first arm of … Continue reading “Impact impact impact”
It’s oh so quiet…. or is it?
The EDIT blog has gone a little quiet over the last few weeks, but rather than this meaning we are all in winter hibernation it is actually because we are all so busy working full steam on several aspects of the project. We are almost done with transcribing and checking the fifth and final manuscripts … Continue reading “It’s oh so quiet…. or is it?”
Christmas at the Estoria de Espanna Digital project
Christmas has come early to Estoria Towers. Our gift has come not from Father Christmas but from Professor Peter Robinson and Dr Cat Smith in the form of the collation tool, and it really is great. Suddenly all our hard work transcribing is starting to pay off as we can see the collation starting to … Continue reading “Christmas at the Estoria de Espanna Digital project”
Review of the III Annual EDIT Colloquium (Estoria Digital) in Seville, by Enrique Jerez
Reseñar brevemente la celebración en Sevilla la semana pasada de las II Jornadas Internacionales de Historia de la Lengua e Historiografía en combinación con el III Annual EDIT Colloquium (Estoria Digital) exige en especial llamar la atención precisamente sobre la motivación que animó su organización conjunta y que presidió su desarrollo: propiciar la confluencia de … Continue reading “Review of the III Annual EDIT Colloquium (Estoria Digital) in Seville, by Enrique Jerez”
The Estoria de Espanna Project goes to De Montfort
Most of the Estoria team have been in Seville this week at the third annual project colloquium. There will hopefully be at least one nice blog post on here on that topic before too long! Let’s just give them chance to pick up their suitcases off the luggage carousel, shall we? I, however, have not … Continue reading “The Estoria de Espanna Project goes to De Montfort”
Guest Blog Post: From zero to Sevilla: the ‘estoria’ of one crowdsourcer’s experience on the EDIT project
This is a guest blog post written by Nick Leonard, one of the Estoria project’s merry band of crowdsourcers. The first time I laid eyes on a manuscript of the Estoria de Espanna, just over a year ago, I might as well have been looking at cuneiform or hieroglyphics: I could barely read a word. … Continue reading “Guest Blog Post: From zero to Sevilla: the ‘estoria’ of one crowdsourcer’s experience on the EDIT project”
Call for Guest Blog Posts
The Estoria de Espanna Digital Project would like to invite guest blog posts for inclusion on this site. Do you have something interesting to share with us to do with the topic of our project? Are you a crowdsourcer who would like to tell us your thoughts or experiences? Have you researched Alfonso X, his works … Continue reading “Call for Guest Blog Posts”