Project goings-on

AcWriMo – Weekly Update  #2 After a short pause to allow for our annual colloquium and the necessary preparations (read: crazy couple of days sorting out last minute things) I have managed to Crack On with Academic Writing Month. Finding time for academic writing (I feel that should be capitalised but I will refrain) was more … Continue reading “Project goings-on”

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Academic Writing Month at the Estoria de Espanna

Today I am starting a 20-day productivity challenge as part of Academic Writing Month 2014. This coincides with a heavy month over at Estoria Towers including our second annual colloquium, this time in Oxford, and a postgraduate workshop to be led by Christian and me at the UAM. It might seem that such a busy … Continue reading “Academic Writing Month at the Estoria de Espanna”

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Musings on yesterday’s Transcription Jamboree

Sometimes the smallest comment someone makes just sticks with you. This is true for me with a comment I remember Aengus making back when I was a second year undergraduate in his Spanish intermediate linguistics class. He said something about not realising what you don’t know until you try to teach it to someone else. … Continue reading “Musings on yesterday’s Transcription Jamboree”

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A new academic year

The new academic year is here and in full swing at Estoria HQ, and is promising to be even busier and more exciting than last year. Hold onto your hats. We have started to get dates sorted for various talks we will be giving and postgraduate workshops we will be running over the coming months. … Continue reading “A new academic year”

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Abbreviation marks – to expand or not to expand

Scholars are divided as to whether or not those who transcribe medieval texts should expand abbreviation marks. As soon as a transcriber expands an abbreviation, he or she is making an assumption about what the scribe is using the abbreviation mark to represent. For this reason, some historical linguists are of the opinion that expanding … Continue reading “Abbreviation marks – to expand or not to expand”

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EDIT meets E-Learning

As always there are exciting developments over here at EDIT HQ. We are making great progress with the transcribing and checking of the manuscripts. Both E1 and E2 are well on their way to being transcribed, and proof-reading has started, and transcription work has already been started on T and Q. The technical side of … Continue reading “EDIT meets E-Learning”

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