
It’s oh so quiet…. or is it?

The EDIT blog has gone a little quiet over the last few weeks, but rather than this meaning we are all in winter hibernation it is actually because we are all so busy working full steam on several aspects of the project. We are almost done with transcribing and checking the fifth and final manuscripts … Continue reading “It’s oh so quiet…. or is it?”

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¡Feliz Navidad!

A very happy Christmas to all. We have a busy final year of the project coming up and we’ll be back in touch in the New Year with some further exciting news from the AHRC. Aengus

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Review of the III Annual EDIT Colloquium (Estoria Digital) in Seville, by Enrique Jerez

Reseñar brevemente la celebración en Sevilla la semana pasada de las II Jornadas Internacionales de Historia de la Lengua e Historiografía en combinación con el III Annual EDIT Colloquium (Estoria Digital) exige en especial llamar la atención precisamente sobre la motivación que animó su organización conjunta y que presidió su desarrollo: propiciar la confluencia de … Continue reading “Review of the III Annual EDIT Colloquium (Estoria Digital) in Seville, by Enrique Jerez”

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III EDiT Colloquium/II Jornadas de Historiografía/Historia de la Lengua

Our third colloquium took place at the Universidad de Sevilla in collaboration with our wonderful colleagues from the Historia15 project between the 23rd and 25th of November 2015. It proved to be a marvellous week of intellectual exchange which will live long in the memory. Day 1 saw the inauguration in the presence of the … Continue reading “III EDiT Colloquium/II Jornadas de Historiografía/Historia de la Lengua”

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Guest Blog Post: From zero to Sevilla: the ‘estoria’ of one crowdsourcer’s experience on the EDIT project

This is a guest blog post written by Nick Leonard, one of the Estoria project’s merry band of crowdsourcers. The first time I laid eyes on a manuscript of the Estoria de Espanna, just over a year ago, I might as well have been looking at cuneiform or hieroglyphics: I could barely read a word. … Continue reading “Guest Blog Post: From zero to Sevilla: the ‘estoria’ of one crowdsourcer’s experience on the EDIT project”

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Call for Guest Blog Posts

The Estoria de Espanna Digital Project would like to invite guest blog posts for inclusion on this site. Do you have something interesting to share with us to do with the topic of our project? Are you a crowdsourcer who would like to tell us your thoughts or experiences? Have you researched Alfonso X, his works … Continue reading “Call for Guest Blog Posts”

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Mesa Redonda: 11/11/15

The Estoria de Espanna Digital project will hold a round table next week, details as follows: Enrique Jerez Cabrero, “La sabiduría de Alfonso el Sabio: aspectos sapienciales de la Estoria de España” Christian Kusi Obodum, “‘Aquella mala secta’: el profeta Mahoma en la Estoria de Espanna” Javier Sebastián “La “tiranía” económica de la ciudad de … Continue reading “Mesa Redonda: 11/11/15”

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Manuscripts as artefacts

As you will have seen from Polly’s post below, lately we have been considering the relationship between the physical text (medieval manuscripts in our case) and the digital output which we are in the process of constructing here at the Estoria Digital. The immediate response to the question “why keep the manuscript then?” (and I … Continue reading “Manuscripts as artefacts”

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