
Programme for the upcoming colloquium in Seville

It is with great pleasure that we publish the programme for the third annual Estoria de Espanna Digital Project colloquium, otherwise known as the ‘II Jornadas Internacionales de Historia de la Lengua e Historiografía: Estoria Digital’ to be held in Seville in November 2015.  

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Original manuscripts or digital images? That is the question.

This morning Aengus and I were discussing the problems solved and caused by digitally editing medieval manuscript prose. One of the points raised was that the digitised images we use to transcribe from can often be of a far higher quality than the human eye could see in real life without magnifying tools. As long … Continue reading “Original manuscripts or digital images? That is the question.”

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Tales from the Estoria (vi) — Preaching without a tongue

The Estoria de Espanna takes us far and wide in its tour through history. While this chronicle is entitled the ‘History of Spain’, many of its narratives recount events from far beyond the Iberian Peninsula. The manuscript deals with important events that took place in northern and central Europe, the Maghreb and the Middle East. … Continue reading “Tales from the Estoria (vi) — Preaching without a tongue”

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Tales from the Estoria (v) — Supersize Sancho

Many kings throughout history gain a reputation in one way or another. Alfonso X of Castile (1252-1284) was named “Alfonso the Wise”, after his many works of scholarship. England’s Richard I (1157-1199) was “the Lionheart” for his bravery and military prowess. Some titles weren’t quite so complimentary: the Russian tsar Ivan IV (1547-1584) came to … Continue reading “Tales from the Estoria (v) — Supersize Sancho”

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Tales from the Estoria (iv) — Children of witches and fauns

When Alfonso X commissioned his Estoria de Espanna, he expected the history to cover the whole of Spain’s existence. That didn’t just mean the major events that took place on Spanish soil: it also meant a detailed explanation of the empires into which Spain was incorporated. Perhaps the most important civilisation to ever rule Spain … Continue reading “Tales from the Estoria (iv) — Children of witches and fauns”

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CFP: Universidad de Sevilla, November 23-24

Call for Papers for the next Estoria Colloquium. This year we will be at the Universidad de Sevilla, 23-24th November. CFP Sevilla 2

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Tales from the Estoria (iii) — An eye for an eye, quite literally

The book of Exodus left its mark with the expression “an eye for an eye”. I can’t claim to be sufficiently versed in theology to comment on the phrase itself: I’m sure there are many possible interpretations. I do feel the expression, regardless of how it is interpreted, has universal resonance outside of a purely … Continue reading “Tales from the Estoria (iii) — An eye for an eye, quite literally”

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