The conference is this week!

The final conference is almost here, friends and colleagues from afar are already on the plane, those based closer to Birmingham will be arriving tomorrow and Tuesday morning, and although we can hardly believe it ourselves, the edition is ready to launch. You read that correctly. I know! I did wonder many times whether I was … Continue reading “The conference is this week!”

The Edition launch is fast approaching!

There is not long to go until we launch our digital edition of the Estoria de Espanna, which we have been working on for the best part of four years now, and which Aengus was preparing and envisioning for many years before that. So what’s going on as we make the last few tweaks and … Continue reading “The Edition launch is fast approaching!”

Preparing the reader’s edition and planning the colloquium

August has been as busy as ever here at Estoria Towers, especially as we are now moving into the last semester of the project before the launch of the digital edition – yes really! Everyone is working on their own part of the project. Aengus is busy collating the witnesses ready for the reader’s edition, … Continue reading “Preparing the reader’s edition and planning the colloquium”

Professor Emeritus Roger Wright honoured by the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language

Estoria project research fellow Fiona Maguire has written the following blog for the blog of the Modern Languages and Cultures department at the University of Liverpool. It  was first published here on Friday 5th August. Fiona has kindly allowed us to reproduce the text of the blog on our website.   Professor Emeritus Roger Wright honoured … Continue reading “Professor Emeritus Roger Wright honoured by the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language”

Other transcription projects

As part of my PhD research I have been looking at a handful of other transcription projects that use crowdsourcing. Some of our readers might be interested in checking them out so I thought I would put some information about them here. 1. Transcribe Bentham This is a transcription project over at UCL where volunteers … Continue reading “Other transcription projects”

The 4th Annual Colloquium of the Estoria de Espanna Digital Project: Programme

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we can now publish the provisional programme of our upcoming colloquium. Programme Preparations for the colloquium are now well underway, and you can now register here. We hope to see as many people as possible at our fourth annual colloquium which will also see the launch of … Continue reading “The 4th Annual Colloquium of the Estoria de Espanna Digital Project: Programme”

Brief Update and welcome to Lauren, our newest team member

Although we have been a little quiet of late, work has been continuing at fever pitch on the Estoria project. The launch date of 15th December is fast approaching… The Impact activities are now in full swing. Enrique is working hard on preparing the digital exhibition and teaching materials. This week we hope to have … Continue reading “Brief Update and welcome to Lauren, our newest team member”

Alfonso vuelve al cole

La intensa “gira” por la Península que llevamos a cabo Aengus y yo recientemente tenía también entre sus objetivos establecer un primer contacto con los colegios e institutos de Secundaria y Bachillerato que hace un año nos prestaron su apoyo a la hora de solicitar los fondos del AHRC para la divulgación de nuestra investigación. … Continue reading “Alfonso vuelve al cole”