IT Services Admin Team – responsibilities following delay of New Core

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Following the delay of New Core, the role of the IT Services Admin Team has been extended and for the time being they will continue to be responsible for administering pre-cutover recruitment and finance tasks. This will continue up until the date of the next cutover which will be approximately Tuesday, 30 April, however, this date has yet to be confirmed.

What tasks will they be responsible for?

  • AV1s
  • Entering recruitment onto WCN
  • Absence monitoring
    • Monitoring the Sick Line
    • Monitoring emails
    • Entering absence data into AltHR
  • Annual Leave forms
  • Purchase orders
  • Ordering stationary, furniture, telephones and white goods
  • Expenses
  • Training requests
  • Travel requests
  • Building maintenance
    • Reporting of issues
    • Key fobs
    • Parking permits

If you have any HR related queries including recruitment issues then you will need to contact Central HR through the HR Portal.

For more complex or personal issues contact Hannah Hogben, our Central HR Advisor on 0121 414 7562.

For more complex procurement issues contact

Line Manager training

The next New Core go-live date although is likely to be around 3 June 2019, although this has yet to be confirmed.

If you are a line manager it is important that you are aware that once New Core goes live you will be responsible for many of the recruitment, absence and finance tasks relating to your staff that are currently carried out by the IT Services Admin Team.  If you have not yet attended one of the New Core training sessions then you can visit the online training programme available on Canvas here.



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