Discover how other teams are using Office 365

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Learn how other teams are utilising Office 365 applications in their working roles

Since the launch of the Office 365 pilot, Office 365 champions from across IT Services and External Relations, led by Innovation Specialist Tim Packwood, have been promoting the applications within their teams and devising new and effective ways of utilising the technology to work smarter and more efficiently.

The champions have met a couple of times as a group to discuss the opportunities and challenges for teams involved in the pilot and they have shared innovative new ideas about how their teams are using the applications on a day to day basis.

The output from these meetings have informed some real life case studies which we hope will encourage and inspire  staff  within the pilot group on how they can utilise the Office 365 applications in their own teams. These case studies are now available to read on the Office 365 intranet pages here.  We will continue to document and add more case studies to the page as the pilot progresses.

Feedback and sharing practice

The success of the Office 365 pilot hinges of the feedback from users, this allows us to understand the benefits of the tools and shape a future wider rollout of the platform. If you are not a champion but want to share an example of how you are using Office 365 applications  then please get in touch, we are especially interested in people currently using Microsoft Flow.

You can feedback on how your team is utilising the Office 365 applications by either emailing  or emailing Office 365 champion Tim Packwood.

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