Rebooting comms and engagement

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I have thoroughly enjoyed getting out and about since I started here in November. I’ve been meeting teams, understanding challenges, and finding out about all of the great work we do here in IT Services.

There are common themes, shared across IT Services and the wider University, around how we communicate and what improvement actions we could make. It seemed like a good time to refresh the IT Services Communications Strategy, ask for your input to make sure we’re on the right track, and kick start a fresh communications and engagement action plan.

Therefore, may I introduce to you, the Draft 2019-2022 IT Services Communications and Engagement Strategy .

I have already presented this draft in person to a number of people and teams. To those of you I have spoken to – thank you very much indeed for your warm welcomes and valuable input.  To those of you I haven’t yet discussed this with, I look forward to doing so and apologise for not getting there yet. I’m out of the office for the next couple of weeks (heading off on an American roadtrip with my other half, and we’re getting hitched in Vegas on Valentine’s Day), but would be delighted to meet when I get back. Please feel free to send me meeting request.

In the meantime, any and all Strategy feedback is warmly welcomed, whether good, bad, or otherwise. Please send your comments via email,, for me to read on my return.

Next Steps

I’m back in the office from Monday 25 February and will begin reviewing all feedback received. I’ll make any necessary amendments before finalising the strategy and kicking off the 2019 Action Plan.

Keep an eye on next month’s blog for an update!

Author, Katy Leighfield


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