IT Services in Dubai – in pictures

IT Services has deployed two members of staff, to help get the IT infrastructure up and running at the University’s new campus in Dubai. Rashid Ravat, from the College of Medical and Dental Sciences, and Liam Garey, from the Service Desk, flew out to Dubai a few weeks ago. They have provided us with a tongue-in-cheek … Continue reading “IT Services in Dubai – in pictures”

IT Services plays major role in development of new Dubai campus

Recently, the University announced its plans to open a new campus in Dubai. The campus will be open for teaching in September 2018, with an initial plan to recruit 300 students, and a long-term goal to have 4500 students based in Dubai. The Dubai project touches on almost every area across IT Services and our teams have been working to … Continue reading “IT Services plays major role in development of new Dubai campus”