Digital exams and the technology behind it

This is one of a series of articles written after the EUNIS 2019 conference, which Sam Harrow attended through the ucisa Bursary Scheme. One of the elective sessions on Day 2 of EUNIS 2019 was an opportunity to visit the intriguingly-titled “Exam Factory” at our host, NTNU (the Norwegian University of Science and Technology). Knowing … Continue reading “Digital exams and the technology behind it”

Virtual Assistants – making IT simple for users

The era of Virtual Assistants and Natural Language Processing in higher education is upon on us The number of universities and colleges developing and deploying Virtual Assistants is on the rise – there are now several UK and International institutions using this technology to allow staff and students to access core university services. Utilising a variety … Continue reading “Virtual Assistants – making IT simple for users”