Putting the Community in Community Wealth Building

On 7 May 2024, Naomi Mason, Senior Researcher at CLES, delivered the opening keynote at the Third Sector Interface Scotland (TSI) Network conference, and the challenges faced by the third sector in Scotland, exacerbated by austerity, the pandemic, and economic uncertainty were impossible to forget. Despite these challenges, Naomi notes that the third sector has … Continue reading “Putting the Community in Community Wealth Building”

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility (For Evaluation?)

The recent local government elections introduced two new metro mayors, increasing the proportion of the English population under mayoral governance to 50%, and highlighted the evolving relationship between local and central government. Will Brett-Harding, Policy Officer at the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth, notes that while devolution advances, the importance of effective policy … Continue reading “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility (For Evaluation?)”

Bridging Research and Practice: Harnessing Community Engagement for Social Impact

Sophie Cloutterbuck, Director of London Engagement at London Metropolitan University, believes universities have a vital role beyond academia. Here, she blogs about how they can be powerful agents for social change and foster a vibrant connection with the communities they serve, and shares how she and her team embedded this vision at the heart of … Continue reading “Bridging Research and Practice: Harnessing Community Engagement for Social Impact”

“Fix the Broken System”

Sarah Longlands from the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) and Eleanor Radcliffe, formerly CLES and now at Carbon Coop, discuss how local authorities across the UK are plugging the gap left by central governments in their efforts to tackle the climate crisis. This blog was first posted on the CLES blog site and in … Continue reading ““Fix the Broken System””

Activating Communities for Regional Renewal

Alison Park, Head of Creating Opportunities of Improving Outcomes, UKRI, and Deputy Executive Chair of ESRC looks at the importance of research and innovation to the UK, and how the Local Policy Innovation Partnerships (LPIPs) program addresses this importance by fostering collaborations tailored to local needs in economic growth, health, and community engagement. This blog … Continue reading “Activating Communities for Regional Renewal”

How International Success Factors Can Accelerate Levelling Up in the UK

Jeffrey Matsu, Chief Economist at CIPFA, explains how levelling up in the UK can be accelerated if we look at and apply levelling up success factors from Cleveland, Fukuoka, Nantes and Leipzig. We often look to others to understand ourselves better. If we want to improve and develop, whether professionally or personally, it can be … Continue reading “How International Success Factors Can Accelerate Levelling Up in the UK”

Checking the Logic Behind Your Project

Megan Streb, from What Works Growth, discusses how logic models should be an essential part of your project planning. Here are some common scenarios in local authorities: The people in the scenarios above could likely all benefit from developing, or refining, a logic model. Logic models set out where you are (the need and context), … Continue reading “Checking the Logic Behind Your Project”