This is a write-up to the presentation the Pro Bono Streetlaw Group did for Roshni; a charity organisation, concerning Sharia Law and Islamic Divorces written by Nurfatin Nadiah Sanisman. A guidance note is attached. Islam is the second-largest religion in the UK but there still exists rising hostility towards the Muslim community and multiculturalism.[1] Why?- … Continue reading “SHARIA LAW (ISLAMIC LAW) AND MUSLIM MARRIAGES IN THE UK”

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It’s my culture but am I doing it right?

Note: This weeks blog is in two parts and is a one off to the Minorities Rights Pro Bono Blog. This blog is written by Shivani Gug and is a more personal account of her cultural experience.

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Northern Ireland has climbed the mountain but didn’t reached the summit.

For many years our Northern Irish neighbours were not afforded the same rights to abortion as us on the mainland. Women were, in effect, forced to travel across the Irish Sea to England, Wales and Scotland to be entitled to their right to abortion.   As part of my research for this blog and the … Continue reading “Northern Ireland has climbed the mountain but didn’t reached the summit.”