Keep Your Spouses Close and Your Prenups Closer: A Brief Look at Women’s Rights in Prenuptial Agreements

Imbalanced Bargaining Positions Result in Imbalanced Bargains. What are prenups? There are very few areas of the law where gender discrimination is accepted because the victim has consented to the conduct. So why do we allow prenuptial agreements the chance to deny a spouse what is rightfully theirs, just because they have consented to it? … Continue reading “Keep Your Spouses Close and Your Prenups Closer: A Brief Look at Women’s Rights in Prenuptial Agreements”

The LGBTQ+ Figures History Forgot

Many of us are not taught about historical LGBTQ+ figures, particularly if they are of colour, they have been erased from the curriculum and sometimes even history because of their sexuality and ethnicity. Yet the people history chooses to forget are often the reason we are able to exist today. They began movements, conversions or … Continue reading “The LGBTQ+ Figures History Forgot”