This year was no exception to previous years, the Clinical Trials module was well received by students. The module provided students with a theoretical and practical understanding of trial methodology.
There were a number of positive comments about the module. Students said:
“Overall this week has been excellent. All the lecturers have taught very appropriately at an appropriate pace”; “ I really enjoyed Weds pm session …….increased my level of understanding of QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years) calculations”; “Lectures covered a variety of themes… topics inspired me to learn. Enjoyed the 2 weeks!”
We are very keen to improve our sessions every year based on student feedback. Next year we will consider organising a short interactive session with the Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit staff to give a flavour of what they do.
Written by Melanie Calvert, Professor of Outcomes Methodology and Jane Daniela, Deputy Director of the Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit – Module Leads.