MPH Graduate Testimonial (May 2017)

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Written by Oyintenane Suowari, NHS Doctor

My experience during the MPH programme was a very enlightening and interesting one. Part of my initial drive to pursue this degree was an opportunity to take a break from within the four walls of a hospital and experience medical practice from a different perspective, the public health perspective. The modules offered gave me ample opportunity to gain that experience, and I can say it has been invaluable.

Backed with the knowledge gained from the health protection and health promotion modules and interaction with people from diverse races and professional backgrounds, I successfully qualified to continue my medical practice here in the UK, an opportunity I am eagerly looking forward to exploring in the coming months. Also, thanks to the public health in low and middle income countries modules, I have deepened my understanding and increased my efficiency when managing infectious and chronic non-communicable diseases back in my home country.

The MPH programme also exposed me to the operative models and structures of various international non-governmental organizations. I was able to use this knowledge to adapt these models to my peculiar local society, and help other non-governmental organizations achieve great successes with regards to the improvement of the health and wellbeing of people in my community.

Overall, it was a worthwhile pursuit and I am glad I made the decision to do a Masters in Public Health.

Author: Claire

PhD Student, International Public Health


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