Health Protection is one of the most important things in improving health in a community, since prevention of a disease can make so much difference not only in the mean time, but also in a longer period of time. However, working as a health professional has made me realise that health protection is a one of the most complicated aspects of public health. Health protection involves different fields and organisations in order to work properly.
The module layout was well structured and the lectures were delivered at a great level of detail by the lecturers who are professionals in their own field. Every lecture was very informative and quite easy to follow. Microbiology and immunology was one of the first lectures that we had. With my medical background, it felt really nice to get refreshed with the basic knowledge that is often forgotten as soon as we go into the clinical field. Unlike most of other modules, there was not much discussion or group work taking place in Health Protection. Surprisingly, it did not dull the lectures, since we got different lecturers with distinctive experience. Most of the sessions felt more like sharing sessions other than formal lectures, which were enjoyable and interesting but still does not lack important information and knowledge.
As an international student in this module, I learnt a whole lot of new things that works very differently in the UK compared to my country, especially regarding food safety, environmental hazards, and health law, which I found very interesting.
Written by Saskia Mariska, International MPH Student