2nd February 2022 by

La Chandeleur 2 February

In France and Belgium, crêpes are traditionally served on La Chandeleur (Candlemas).

This day was originally Virgin Mary’s Blessing Day but became known in France as “Le Jour des Crêpes” (“The Day of the Crêpes”), referring to the tradition of offering crêpes. The tradition dates back to 472, when Pope Gelasius I offered crêpes to French pilgrims who were visiting Rome to celebrating the Chandeleur.

Also, the belief is that catching the crêpe with a frying pan after tossing it in the air with your right hand while holding a gold coin in your left hand would cause you to become rich that year. The roundness and golden colour of a crêpe resemble the sun and its rays, hinting at the change in the weather that Candlemas would bring, falling at the mid-point between the winter solstice and spring equinox. 

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