This year’s Disability History Month (16 November-16 December) focusses on the Experience of Disablement amongst children and young people in the past, now and what is needed for the future. UKDHM comes from a Social Model/Human Rights approach, so that all children and young people with long term impairment will not experience the social exclusion of stigma, stereotypes, negative attitudes and socially created barriers in the environment and the way things are organised.
The way disabled children and young people have been and are treated is an indicator of how inclusive and rights respecting we are as a community and society.
At the University of Birmingham the month-long programme provides an opportunity for everyone in our University community to come together to increase our understanding and to show our support for disability equality. We will be drawing upon expertise and lived experience both locally and internationally to challenge perceptions, shape the debates, and explore what disability and inclusivity really mean in the twenty first century.,a%20comprehensive%20programme%20of%20events
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