14th November 2018 by

Diwali – Thank You

Diwali in the Undercroft

With over 500 sweets, a lot of streamers and even more electric diyas, the Cultural Calendar’s first Diwali celebration was a success. We would like to thank everybody who took part, and who joined us in celebrating the day, as we couldn’t have done it without you!

Indian Sweets!

To summarise the day: the Cultural Calendar’s Diwali celebrations were based in three locations across campus: the Arts foyer, the Undercroft in the Biosciences building, and in the Engineering lounge. These spaces were all decorated with Diwali spirit, each being covered with candles, decorative flowers, and streamers. At these location we had traditional Indian food on offer, as well as boxes of Indian sweets, which we hope many of you had the opportunity to try.

The Cultural Calendar also teamed up with the Equality and Diversity team on the day, and you may have seen Indian sweets on offer at the stand in University Centre thanks to this collaboration. You may have also ran into one of our three Student Ambassadors–Priyal Desai, Kajol Desai, and Neda Lapteva–all of whom were spreading the festive spirit across campus, while also offering photo opportunities!

We would like to thank our three Student Ambassadors on the day for helping to spread the festive air across campus, and the Student Experience Officers and Wellbeing Teams who helped decorate and look after the stands on the day. We would also like to extend our thanks to Milan Sweet Centre from whom we purchased the Indian Sweets, and who also helped deliver them.

We hope that everyone had a great Diwali, and invite you to take the time enjoy the pictures of the celebration below!

The Cultural Calendar Project Team

Arts Reception
Diwali in the Arts Lobby
Diwali in Engineering
Everybody loves Samosas!