Diwali – Thank You

With over 500 sweets, a lot of streamers and even more electric diyas, the Cultural Calendar’s first Diwali celebration was a success. We would like to thank everybody who took part, and who joined us in celebrating the day, as we couldn’t have done it without you! To summarise the day: the Cultural Calendar’s Diwali … Continue reading “Diwali – Thank You”

14 November 2018 by

The Festival of Lights and Joy, where Good Always Prevails

Contributed by Priyal Desai Diwali—the festival of lights—is one of the most important festival in Hindu Culture. Signifying the symbolic victory of good over evil, Diwali is celebrated with fervor throughout India where different cultures honor it through varied rituals. In my culture, it is generally a four to five day festival where each day … Continue reading “The Festival of Lights and Joy, where Good Always Prevails”

7 November 2018 by