Page Breaks: Research Day

On Monday 22 June (from 9 am), we will be hosting the first-ever Page Breaks Research day. This will be an opportunity to work on your own research (while knowing that others are working at the same time), with periodic zoom calls to set and reflect on goals.

18 June 2020 by

Page Breaks: Is Wrestling Art? With Dr Lisa Jones (St Andrews)

On Thursday 11 June, Dr Lisa Jones (St Andrews) will be joining us to talk about the aesthetics of pro wrestling. How should we think about the narratives of  pro wrestling? How important are considerations of justice? And mostly: is wrestling art? Time and Place: 1 pm, Thu 11 June 2020 Zoom: link (Password: pagebreaks) … Continue reading “Page Breaks: Is Wrestling Art? With Dr Lisa Jones (St Andrews)”

4 June 2020 by

Page Breaks: Not the End Yet

This week we’re reading ‘Not the End Yet’, by Nicole Flattery (as suggested by Liam!)  At a different day AND time this week: Thursday 07 May, 12pm.

4 May 2020 by

Page Breaks (29 Jan): ‘Dialogue between Old England and New’, with Peter Auger

In this new series for Page Breaks, we’ve asked other members of staff to bring in passages they’re puzzling over at the moment in their own research. We’ll be using the sessions for members of staff to discuss their work in its very first stages – when they’re still at the stage of asking questions … Continue reading “Page Breaks (29 Jan): ‘Dialogue between Old England and New’, with Peter Auger”

20 January 2020 by