My experiences of being on placement at PwC

As a degree apprenticeship student, I spend some of my summer holidays on work placement working with PwC. Last summer was my very first placement – conveniently based in London rather than Birmingham, I was able to commute from my own home to and from work. Before placement, we were briefed on what to expect, … Continue reading “My experiences of being on placement at PwC”

What I wish I had known before coming to the University of Birmingham

In the blink of an eye, my four years at university are drawing to a close. A large chunk of my time here has been pleasant but there are aspects of it that I wish I knew sooner before coming to the University. In this blog post, I want to anecdotally share some of the … Continue reading “What I wish I had known before coming to the University of Birmingham”

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Why I chose Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham

17-year-old Sara knew two things: she wanted to do civil engineering and she wanted to do it in the UK because it’s the beacon of education obviously! But why she chose the University of Birmingham (UoB) is a completely different story. It just seemed friendly. I remember going on the University website and reading “An … Continue reading “Why I chose Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham”

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Societies and Extra Curricular Activities

At the University of Birmingham, there is a broad range of societies and activities to take part in. These range from the traditional to ones you wouldn’t even think of. There are 55 sports clubs that compete at BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport) and the Guild boasts over 300 societies to choose from. And … Continue reading “Societies and Extra Curricular Activities”

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My Experience of Open Days, Offer-Holder Visit Days, and Accommodation Open Day

The university process doesn’t start after you leave school, it starts well before. This is where Open Days come in… It came up in the last blog that I took a gap year, and I ended up spending a lot of time visiting Birmingham, with two University Open Days, one Offer-Holder Visit Day, and one … Continue reading “My Experience of Open Days, Offer-Holder Visit Days, and Accommodation Open Day”

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Why I chose Chemical Engineering with an industrial year at Birmingham

Hi! My name is Yasmin, and I am a UOB chemical engineering student currently doing my industrial placement at Calgavin LTD. Over the next few months I hope to give you all some insight into my life as an industrial placement student as well as some tips and tricks to help you secure and make … Continue reading “Why I chose Chemical Engineering with an industrial year at Birmingham”