
Tales from the Estoria (i) — The Spanish chronicle of chronicles

Every so often we come across personalities who are said to be “ahead of their time”. Leonardo da Vinci, Mary Wollstonecraft and Franz Kafka are some that first come to mind. But there is another historical figure whom I have grown to recognise through my postgraduate studies as a man ahead of his time: Alfonso … Continue reading “Tales from the Estoria (i) — The Spanish chronicle of chronicles”

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Birthday time

Everyone knows that here at the Estoria project we love a bit of cake. And what better excuse that the birthday of our very own Mr Christian Kusi-Obodum BA(hons) PGCE?  

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Project update

It might seem like it has all gone quiet at the Estoria project, but of course that is not really the case! You know us – we are hardworking researchers. We are continuing to beaver away on our transcriptions and we feel like we can see light at the end of the tunnel. Hooray! We … Continue reading “Project update”

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Special tea break!

Here at Estoria Towers we interrupted our busy day of transcribing, thesis-writing and preparing for Friday’s seminar at QMUL for our daily tea and cake break, but today this was no ordinary tea break. Our esteemed leader Dr Aengus Ward is christening his brand new Alfonso mug, courtesy of Dr Jules Whicker, and our beloved … Continue reading “Special tea break!”

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A quick update

We are now back into the swing of the project after a nice Christmas break and we already have a few exciting things in the pipeline. Our next outing is set for the coming week, when the UK-based members of the team will be travelling to Queen Mary University of London to talk about the … Continue reading “A quick update”

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Happy New Year

Folks, it’s that time of year again: those glasses of sherry/brandy by the fire, just a few too many mince pies, the occasional chocolate wrapper still lurking on the floor… Yuletide festivities may be over and the Christmas hangover (in the financial sense, of course) might be setting in, but it’s the start of a … Continue reading “Happy New Year”

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Project goings-on

AcWriMo – Weekly Update  #2 After a short pause to allow for our annual colloquium and the necessary preparations (read: crazy couple of days sorting out last minute things) I have managed to Crack On with Academic Writing Month. Finding time for academic writing (I feel that should be capitalised but I will refrain) was more … Continue reading “Project goings-on”

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