Mesa Redonda: 11/11/15

The Estoria de Espanna Digital project will hold a round table next week, details as follows: Enrique Jerez Cabrero, “La sabiduría de Alfonso el Sabio: aspectos sapienciales de la Estoria de España” Christian Kusi Obodum, “‘Aquella mala secta’: el profeta Mahoma en la Estoria de Espanna” Javier Sebastián “La “tiranía” económica de la ciudad de … Continue reading “Mesa Redonda: 11/11/15”

Project goings-on

AcWriMo – Weekly Update  #2 After a short pause to allow for our annual colloquium and the necessary preparations (read: crazy couple of days sorting out last minute things) I have managed to Crack On with Academic Writing Month. Finding time for academic writing (I feel that should be capitalised but I will refrain) was more … Continue reading “Project goings-on”

Muslim-Christian fraternising in the Estoria

Interracial relations are nothing new; the practice is fairly endemic throughout human history. As for Medieval Iberia, interracial relations occasionally traversed religious lines. Since the Quran permits Muslim men to marry Christian and Jewish women, numerous Muslim rulers took Christian wives and concubines, to meet their own political ends. However, the inverse is less common: … Continue reading “Muslim-Christian fraternising in the Estoria”

Dirty dealings in the Estoria

Whilst working on folios 85 to 89 in Escorial II, I came across a dark tale of treachery and deceit in the tenth century. According to the Estoria, King Blasquez was on rather bad terms with one of his Christian neighbours. So he had a letter written to al-Mansur, the military dictator of al-Andalus, persuading the Muslim … Continue reading “Dirty dealings in the Estoria”

A solar eclipse whilst transcribing…

Whilst transcribing Folio 55v of E2, I was hugely surprised when suddenly the sun became dark, for an hour or so. No, there wasn’t a solar eclipse here in Birmingham (although the weather’s so miserable and dull today it may as well be!). I was in fact lucky enough to read about one in the … Continue reading “A solar eclipse whilst transcribing…”

French Sweets…

Among the (many) positive aspects of being an international team, are… sweets. When I go back to France, I usually take some sweets from England: jelly babies, jelly beans, chocolate from Cadbury World… (I wink to my colleagues from University of Rennes 2, who love chocolate and sweets and always have a small stock of … Continue reading “French Sweets…”