Navigating Football Pre Season

By Dr Liam Anderson With the pre season period now well underway within professional football. GSSPP staff member Dr Liam Anderson recorded an educational video with Joe Baker from UoB GPS supplier, Catapult Sports to discuss ways in which preseason can be navigated to obtain it’s desired outcomes.

Manchester Festival of Coaching 

By Dr Paul Garner As Mark Twain once said ‘Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is!’ This is exactly what Steve Mitchell (Mitch) and his organisation team at Sporting People did when they conceived of and then pulled off the first Festival of Coaching in Manchester, UK. Uninspired by the … Continue reading “Manchester Festival of Coaching “

MSc Programmes within the GSSPP

By Caroline White and Dr Tom Brownlee Programme leads for the MSc Exercise and Sports Medicine (Football) and MSc High Performance Sport discuss what the programme brings to the University and how they can help students with their career journey. They also touch upon aspects such as the admissions process and the structure of the … Continue reading “MSc Programmes within the GSSPP”

The challenge of player management in football tournaments 

By Professor Barry Drust Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash The 2024 summer of sport has started. The Olympics are currently just something to look forward to which means that all of my focus is on this year’s Euros in Germany (well at least until Wimbledon starts). To be honest I don’t usually pay too much attention to international … Continue reading “The challenge of player management in football tournaments “

My 10-Day Journey with the GAPS Programme: A Student Physiotherapist’s Perspective

By Aaron Nandray (MSc Pre Reg Student) and Katie Cronin Photo credit: Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd. Aaron Nandray right. As a student physiotherapist on placement, my 10-day experience with the GAPS programme was both professionally enriching and personally transformative. The combination of high-level training, community engagement, and camaraderie among athletes and staff created a familial atmosphere … Continue reading “My 10-Day Journey with the GAPS Programme: A Student Physiotherapist’s Perspective”

A student’s journey on their Professional Doctorate at the University of Birmingham

By Dr Liam Anderson Paddy Hogben is in his final year of his Professional Doctorate within the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham at the University of Birmingham. Within this video he discusses his journey to date, what made him want to study for a Professional Doctorate, why the … Continue reading “A student’s journey on their Professional Doctorate at the University of Birmingham”

Annual reviews: Informing the doctorate process 

By Professor Barry Drust and Paul Green The doctorate annual review: the supervisors view  At Birmingham all post-graduate research students have an annual review. This is a formal requirement at the university. The process involves an evaluation of the progress around an individual’s research training in the past year. In a two-stage process both the … Continue reading “Annual reviews: Informing the doctorate process “

Making the most of your opportunities 

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash  Over the last few weeks, I’ve been involved in a number of interviews for students applying for placements in professional sport. The students have some guidance around applying for jobs and interview conduct and the majority interviewed excellently.  Despite this, there were still a handful of issues, which … Continue reading “Making the most of your opportunities “

Doctorate students “stuck in a rut” or an opportunity to find the best solution

By Dr Liam Anderson Photo by Daniel Öberg on Unsplash Last year, I was lucky enough to begin supervision of Professional Doctorate students before I finished my Research Fellow role early last year and have obtained PhD students early into my Assistant Professor position in August/ September 2023. Now being part of so many exciting and influential projects … Continue reading “Doctorate students “stuck in a rut” or an opportunity to find the best solution”

Guruism or expertise? 

By Dr Paul Garner Photo by Nejc Soklič on Unsplash Referring to Dr Liam Anderson’s post on doctoral supervision, I’d like to write a few words on how I see our continual aspiration to generate greater levels of quality in our practice within the GSSPP. This is important as we seek to support the students with whom we … Continue reading “Guruism or expertise? “