Recruitment of new Chief Information Officer (CIO)

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Dan Lawrence, Interim Director of IT Services, provides an update on how the recruitment of the new CIO is progressing.

The recruitment process is ongoing in the search for a new Chief Information Officer (CIO) – replacing Dr Sean Duffy, our previous Director of IT Services. Interviews are currently planned for early in June; I will provide you with a further update when more information becomes available.

New IT strategy in planning

There is a slight restructure anticipated at the top level of senior management in IT Services. My role is evolving into the role of Director of IT Services, working alongside the new CIO. Distinguishing between Director and CIO will allow senior leadership to focus on creating a new IT strategy – in line with University strategy and focusing on digital education – in the forthcoming months.

Next ITS All Staff Briefing

We will hold an ITS All Staff Briefing on 06 June, where I can answer any questions or provide assurance to any concerns regarding the recruitment, the next steps and the future of the department going forward.


In the interim period, please feel free to approach me with any queries about the recruitment process and the evolution of my new role.

Dan Lawrence, Interim Director of IT Services

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