LEAPWORK, the testing automation and RPA tool

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In November 2019, IT Services launched the Test Automation and Process Automation tool LEAPWORK, following a lengthy procurement and proof of concept phase.


LEAPWORK is all in one platform that permits testers and other specialists to implement fast, efficient and codeless automation of tests and processes across a wide number of systems. LEAPWORK can be used to automate any manual testing across Web, Desktop and Citrix; it also supports cross browser and data driven testing and can be used to automate ad-hoc tests, processes e.g. data setup and form filling/submission.

Who can use LEAPWORK?

Currently, anyone from Application Services can use LEAPWORK. If there is a software test that needs to be repeated, LEAPWORK can be used to automate that test.  If there is a repetitive IT based task that you carry out daily the chances are that LEAPWORK could be used to automate that task through Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

Where is LEAPWORK currently being used?

LEAPWORK is currently being used by the QA Team to automate the Regression Testing pack for the New Core programme, of which the current focus is on the HR and Payroll functions. To do this we are working with our testing partner Sogeti who have supplied 4 test automation experts to work with a member of the QA team.

They are all working to a 2-month deadline whereby 64% of the Regression Pack will be automated. The current scope is to automate 113 individual test cases from the 174 total test cases. Of the 113 automated test cases 38 will feature a manual checking element where Payroll data is verified. Without automation all 174 of these tests would otherwise have to be repeated manually every quarter.

Elsewhere in New Core and Applications Services LEAPWORK is being used to automate the manual input of Person and Invoice data. Which will save days of manual data input effort and verification.

When is this happening?

The current plan is to complete the automation of the HRP functions for the 1st of March 2019 ready for the quarterly Oracle Fusion release. From there scoping activities are already taking place to automate Finance and system Integrations where appropriate.

How can I find out more about what LEAPWORK can do for me?

Come and speak to the QA Team in G25 of Elms Road, chat to us on  Microsoft Teams or raise a general request on ServiceNow.

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