Service Management away day

On the 1st March, Service Management had our much anticipated away day in Studio Venues Cannon Street. After the previous attempt at having an away day was cancelled back in December due to a major incident, this day got off to a flying start with an activity where each member described their roles in 30 … Continue reading “Service Management away day”

Getting our big picture in order

The University of Birmingham 2026 strategy is all about making important things happen.  For IT Services, that’s about how we ensure we complete the right projects, at the right time, and deliver the right outcomes. Over the past two years, IT Services has been on a journey. Previously there was limited visibility of bigger projects, … Continue reading “Getting our big picture in order”

April Town Hall: Countdown to launch!

Colleagues are invited to attend the next New Core ‘Town Hall’ meeting on Thursday 4 April, 12pm – 1pm, Vaughan Jeffreys Lecture Theatre, Education Building. This session will include information on how to access the new system once it is live and advice on what you will need to know on day one. The meeting will … Continue reading “April Town Hall: Countdown to launch!”

Spotlight on projects

Office 365 Microsoft Office 365 (O365) is an online platform that offers a range of integrated applications. The University subscribes to O365 to deliver some student and alumni services, and this pilot has introduced some O365 services to a test group of staff. By releasing these services, this user group has provided some initial answers to … Continue reading “Spotlight on projects”

Quality feedback for IT Services staff

Every month we share a snapshot of some of the great feedback we receive from customers across the University about the fantastic customer service and support they receive from IT Services staff. Below are some of the comments provided by our customers in February and the team or individual who resolved the incident. “Excellent communication … Continue reading “Quality feedback for IT Services staff”

Reminder about the Elms Road access control system

The main internal doors in Elms Road will be swapped over to the new door access system on Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 March. The front door is due to be swapped over on Friday 15 March. Once the doors have been swapped over to the new access control system, you may still see some … Continue reading “Reminder about the Elms Road access control system”

ITS Wellbeing group has moved to Teams

Deb Carter and Stephanie Thompson have moved the IT Services Wellbeing group from Facebook to Microsoft Teams so that it is easier to share files and resources. If you would like to join the group then go to Teams and at the bottom click join or create a team option, In the join a team … Continue reading “ITS Wellbeing group has moved to Teams”

Blue badge parking bay in Elms Road car park

Work will begin shortly on the refurb of the G7 and G8 offices of Elms Road, the work is expected to take 5 weeks to complete. Details of the work are still being finalised, and one of the items that needs to be considered is the placement of the contractor’s compound and skip. The Ideal … Continue reading “Blue badge parking bay in Elms Road car park”

Spotlight on projects

Each month, we’ll provide updates on some of our key projects via the IT Services blog.  If you have any questions or feedback about our new monthly project update, or in relation to the projects we’re highlighting this month, please email Relationship Engagement Platform (REP) Our Relationship Engagement Platform (REP) project is designed to identify … Continue reading “Spotlight on projects”

Rebooting comms and engagement

I have thoroughly enjoyed getting out and about since I started here in November. I’ve been meeting teams, understanding challenges, and finding out about all of the great work we do here in IT Services. There are common themes, shared across IT Services and the wider University, around how we communicate and what improvement actions … Continue reading “Rebooting comms and engagement”