Focus on – system testing

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New Core have recently started to test your new system to ensure it delivers robust functionality and ease of use from day-one. The Testing team have produced a short handy guide explaining what is involved in this testing process. 

Oracle screen

New Core is adopting a number of testing rounds  to ensure that the new system is fit for purpose and will meet users’ needs. These vary from technical testing, user testing, and security testing. Each round of testing follows a detailed script to ensure that the system matches the requirements for typical day-to-day use by staff when the system is live.

Progress is  monitored daily and any issues are logged, tracked, and fixed ahead of system launch. Some of the core testing rounds are outlined below:

System Testing (ST): this is the first round of testing and tests different aspects of the system, using ‘dummy’ data to ensure that elements of the system are ‘talking to each other’ in the right way to ensure that users can complete tasks. This stage of testing is currently being carried out by the New Core team and IT Services system owners for Cloud to UoB Integrations.

System Integration Testing (SIT): SIT is a full test of all of the functionality that you will be able to access in the new system. It ensures that correct information is being received, and that all the available tasks operate as needed when the system goes-live. As in System Testing, progress is tracked daily and defects are logged and fixed throughout the process. There are three rounds of SIT planned, and colleagues from across Finance, HR, Payroll, and IT Services are supporting this crucial stage of system development.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT):  This is a wider round of testing with a number of users from across the University carrying out different scenarios to ensure that the system functions as expected. This stage is scheduled for later in the year and the New Core team will be contacting colleagues shortly with details of how to get involved.

If you have any questions on New Core testing or would like to find out more about how you can get involved in the process contact the team at

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