MPH Graduate Testimonial (May 2017)

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Written by Matt Salt, Standardisation Associate at the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM)

Directly after graduating from an undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise Sciences at UoB, I enrolled as a part time MPH student in 2013, while working full time at University Hospitals Birmingham. As well as being a flexible option in my career, this approach allowed me to regularly see theory put into practice. The diversity of staff and students reflected the working world well and provided insight into different approaches that public health professionals may take globally.

I feel the MPH has prepared me well for my career in public health. Specifically, I was attracted by the ability to tailor the modules to study according to my interests, providing me with a broad base of knowledge and skills.

I graduated in December 2015 and in September 2016, began working as a Standardisation Associate at the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM). ICHOM is a non-profit organisation aiming to transform healthcare systems worldwide by measuring and reporting patient outcomes in a standardised way. As part of the standardisation process, we conduct literature reviews, a process that specifically draws from material I learnt during the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses module and developed while writing my dissertation.

Not only has the MPH prepared me well for my future, I also appreciate the high esteem with which the School is regarded and the vast networks the course has given me access to.

Author: Claire

PhD Student, International Public Health


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