Social work and the renewal of generosity towards service users and social workers

By Professor Harry Ferguson Professor of Social Work, Department of Social Work and Social Care, University of Birmingham Every day in this country social workers perform countless acts that make a real difference to the lives of thousands of people. What they do involves kindness, compassion, courage, resilience, cleverness, wisdom and high levels of knowledge … Continue reading “Social work and the renewal of generosity towards service users and social workers”

International Women’s Day: Trans women cannot be left behind

By Dr Sophie King-Hill Associate Professor in the Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham International Women’s Day is a day that has been dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of women and girls for over 100 years. This day celebrates women and highlights the rights of women that are so vitally needed for … Continue reading “International Women’s Day: Trans women cannot be left behind”

Barbie (and Ken) at the Oscars: what does this say about gender inequality in the film industry?

By Professor Finola Kerrigan Professor in Marketing, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham The 2024 Academy Awards’ Ceremony will take place on Sunday. It comes just after 2024’s International Women’s Day and during Women’s History Month. Much has been made of Ryan Gosling’s best supporting actor nomination for his role as Ken in Barbie with … Continue reading “Barbie (and Ken) at the Oscars: what does this say about gender inequality in the film industry?”

How do I love thee – let me count the gifts…

By Professor Sarah Montano Professor of Retail Marketing, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham With apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Valentine’s Day is the day where it is traditional to express your love for your partner via the medium of retail! Are you expecting flowers, a card or a cute bear? However you celebrate with … Continue reading “How do I love thee – let me count the gifts…”

Health Day at COP28: The first, but surely not the last

By Dr Niheer Dasandi Associate Professor in Politics and Development in the International Development Department (IDD), University of Birmingham. Sunday 3rd December at COP28 in Dubai saw the first ever ‘Health Day’ at the annual UN climate summit. This focus on the health impacts of climate change is long overdue; as the World Health Organisation … Continue reading “Health Day at COP28: The first, but surely not the last”

The Autumn Statement or a New Political Game in Spotting the Politics of Tokenism

By Professor John Bryson Professor of Enterprise and Economic Geography, Birmingham Business School In 1777, Samuel Johnson proclaimed to James Boswell, his friend and biographer, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”. I must admit to being tired of Autumn Statements and of a British political system that is not … Continue reading “The Autumn Statement or a New Political Game in Spotting the Politics of Tokenism”

Reflections on the King’s Speech

King Charles has opened parliament for the first time as monarch in the first King’s Speech in more than 70 years. Academics from across the College of Social Science reflect on the government’s key priorities set out by the king. Crime & Justice Proposals for tougher sentences raise concerns about exacerbating the strain on an … Continue reading “Reflections on the King’s Speech”

Who gets a say in the future direction of AI?

By Dr Adam Matthews Senior Research Fellow, School of Education, University of Birmingham This week’s AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park hosted politicians, big tech and academics to come together to forge a shared understanding of AI to create national and international frameworks which ensure frontier AI safety through collaboration in research, evaluation and governance, … Continue reading “Who gets a say in the future direction of AI?”

Leading for fairness in Black History Month

By Steve Gulati Associate Professor, Director of Healthcare Leadership, Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham October is Black History Month. It’s also the month assertions have been made at the Conservative Party Conference that the UK is the ‘best country in the world in which to be black’. This provided a sharp contrast to … Continue reading “Leading for fairness in Black History Month”

Black History Month: Saluting Our Sisters in the health service

By Steve Gulati, Director of Healthcare Leadership at HSMC and Diane Phipps, Senior Learning & Development Business Partner at Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust This Black History Month, Steve Gulati invites Diane Phipps from Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to share her experiences and reflections of her work in … Continue reading “Black History Month: Saluting Our Sisters in the health service”