Change the national curriculum in science to empower climate action

By Daniel Cottle Associate Professor of Secondary Education (Physics), University of Birmingham COP28 has come to a hopeful close with countries agreeing to “transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems”. One important energy system of relevance to all of us as we cope with high energy prices and the onset of winter is how … Continue reading “Change the national curriculum in science to empower climate action”

Health Day at COP28: The first, but surely not the last

By Dr Niheer Dasandi Associate Professor in Politics and Development in the International Development Department (IDD), University of Birmingham. Sunday 3rd December at COP28 in Dubai saw the first ever ‘Health Day’ at the annual UN climate summit. This focus on the health impacts of climate change is long overdue; as the World Health Organisation … Continue reading “Health Day at COP28: The first, but surely not the last”

Working in a climate of change: how can a future NHS be sustained?

By Dr Ross Millar, Director of Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham The NHS has continued to evolve and reform over its 75 years of existence. But perhaps now more than ever questions are being raised about its future sustainability. The organisational climate of the NHS – often defined as the shared perceptions of … Continue reading “Working in a climate of change: how can a future NHS be sustained?”