Diversity in Practice: Insights into Minority Ethnic Doctors’ Careers

By Professor Etlyn Kenny, Professor Joanne Duberley, Dr Chris Darko, Dr Ashok Patnaik (University of Birmingham) and Professor Dulini Fernando (Aston University) What do the experiences of minority ethnic doctors tell us about workplace inclusion in the diverse field of medicine? A team of researchers from the University of Birmingham and Aston University is investigating … Continue reading “Diversity in Practice: Insights into Minority Ethnic Doctors’ Careers”

Black History Month: Saluting Our Sisters in the health service

By Steve Gulati, Director of Healthcare Leadership at HSMC and Diane Phipps, Senior Learning & Development Business Partner at Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust This Black History Month, Steve Gulati invites Diane Phipps from Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to share her experiences and reflections of her work in … Continue reading “Black History Month: Saluting Our Sisters in the health service”

Healthcare workers need more ‘time to care’

By Steve Gulati, Associate Professor and Director of Healthcare Leadership at HSMC and former NHS senior executive A UK-wide poll of healthcare workers revealed that most NHS staff think they have too little time to help patients and the quality of care that services provide is falling. This reported reduction in the time to care … Continue reading “Healthcare workers need more ‘time to care’”

A celebration of the NHS and its migrant workforce

By Steve Gulati, Associate Professor and Director of Healthcare Leadership, Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham During my career in the NHS, which included serving on three NHS Trust Boards as a Director with a portfolio covering workforce, organisational development and patient involvement, the debate around and attitudes towards the migrant workforce evolved significantly. … Continue reading “A celebration of the NHS and its migrant workforce”

Unfinished Business – 75 years since the National Assistance Act

By Professor Catherine Needham, Professor of Public Policy and Public Management, Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham The National Assistance Act (1948) reaches its 75th anniversary, and with much less fanfare than the 75th anniversary of the NHS. Social care for working age disabled people, older people and those with long-term mental health conditions … Continue reading “Unfinished Business – 75 years since the National Assistance Act”

Working in a climate of change: how can a future NHS be sustained?

By Dr Ross Millar, Director of Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham The NHS has continued to evolve and reform over its 75 years of existence. But perhaps now more than ever questions are being raised about its future sustainability. The organisational climate of the NHS – often defined as the shared perceptions of … Continue reading “Working in a climate of change: how can a future NHS be sustained?”

As it happened – Experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic from within GP Practices

By Emily Burn, Research Fellow and Professor Judith Smith, Professor of Health Policy and ManagementHealth Services Management Centre (HSMC), University of Birmingham The COVID-19 pandemic led to sudden and profound shifts in the way that general practice services are delivered. In early 2020, with very little time to plan, general practices re-organised their services to … Continue reading “As it happened – Experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic from within GP Practices”

NHS staff still going the extra mile

By Professor Mark Exworthy, Health Policy and Management Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham. Since March 2020, the commitment and hard work of NHS staff have been widely recognised as they respond to the covid pandemic – the regular 8pm `clap for carers’, impromptu street signs and banners across the UK, the  Queen’s birthday … Continue reading “NHS staff still going the extra mile”

Principles Under Pressure as NHS celebrates its 73rd Birthday

By Professor Martin Powell, Health and Social Policy Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham. NHS birthdays have always had a different character. While the 10th birthday in 1958 was largely optimistic and celebratory, the 30th (1978) and 70th (2018) were pessimistic, amid talk of crisis. The 73rd birthday of the NHS on 5th July … Continue reading “Principles Under Pressure as NHS celebrates its 73rd Birthday”

The NHS White Paper: evolution or revolution?

By Professor Judith Smith, Director of Health Services Management Centre and Professor Robin Miller, Head of Department, Social Work and Social Care, University of Birmingham.  NHS White Papers seem to fall into two categories.  First, landmark ones that signal major change of direction and upheaval (can you remember where you were when you heard about … Continue reading “The NHS White Paper: evolution or revolution?”