Join our brilliant Advanced Research Computing group at the University of Birmingham, where you will have the opportunity to support training for researchers using our cutting-edge technology, and promote innovative research projects using our facilities at a world-class university.
Recent successes and secure funding mean we are growing. In the last year we’ve added Research Software Engineers, Research Data Scientists, a Graduate Systems Engineer and are now seeking a 0.4FTE Training Coordinator to join the Research Engagement and Data Group.
The ARC team currently numbers 30 staff with three subdivisions, which provide the full range of research computing services known as BEAR (the Birmingham Environment for Academic Research). The Research Engagement and Data Group (REDG) works in partnership with ARC’s Research Software Group and its Architecture, Infrastructure and Systems Group to promote BEAR services, and support researchers from all academic disciplines to use them.
We have an opportunity within REDG to gain valuable transferable skills in organising training and events, marketing, and writing technical content. This Grade 6 Training Coordinator role is part-time (0.4FTE – 15 hours per week, 2 year fixed post), and will enable the ARC team to deliver an expanded range of BEAR training workshops to researchers. We are looking for applicants with clear communication skills in writing about complex information, as well as data analysis skills to allow us to analyse training feedback to develop the new courses.
It is possible that this part-time role could be carried out on a flexible basis, rather than fixed days of the week, but attendance at events may dictate certain days of work throughout the year.
If you’ve got any questions about the role, just drop a line to Stephanie Thompson ( to find out whether this might be an opportunity for you.
For a full job description and to apply see: (closing date Sunday 22nd October, 23:59)

The Research Engagement and Data Group with help from James C (right), from the Research Software Group. Come join our team!