BEAR on the move!

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Keen eyed users of the Advanced Research Computing (ARC) web pages may have noticed that we are in the process of relocating our intranet content to its new home on the university internet.

This is due to a university-wide move to relocate all content currently hosted on the intranet. The intranet is becoming increasingly unstable, and the contract expires in November 2024, so the decision has been taken that it will not be renewed. Therefore, with some urgency, content across all areas must be relocated either to internal SharePoint hosting or to the public facing website, within the coming year. See the IT Services webpages for further information:

Where do I find information about ARC and BEAR services now?

Our core pages now reside on the main UoB website under a new address: (a shorter and hopefully more memorable url – see above screenshot), and the BEAR services can all be found from the BEAR homepage below that:

More technical documentation and resources have being rehomed into their own area here: (see screenshot on right). Newsletters, BEAR PGR conference information and BEAR events are anticipated to live here on the blog (, but this is currently a work in progress and older info will stay available on the previous intranet site during the transition.

What’s different?

As part of the move, ARC have taken advantage of the opportunity to streamline the existing site content and update it to better reflect the current state of play for our systems and services. URLs and file names have been simplified and shortened, the site design has a more consistent visual feel overall and site structuring has been improved for easier navigation, which should allow users to more easily find the relevant pages when searching.

The task has taken a significant effort from many in our team to achieve, but we hope it will work better for users of our services. Please let us know if you have any thoughts or comments on the new site via our team email address: