July BEAR Newsletter

As we head into the summer after a successful BEAR Challenge (see below), July is a quieter month for events, and there will be no BEAR newsletter in August. This month we have updates on BEAR services, including the doubling in capacity of our supercomputer, BlueBEAR, and an excellent job opportunity for finishing PhD students … Continue reading “July BEAR Newsletter”

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Reflections on the BEAR Challenge 2024

In this blog post, we hear from Ivan Korniichuk, a member of the third-placed team in BEAR Challenge 2024, who gives his perspective on the recent event. I am delighted to announce that our team “return -1” achieved 3rd place in the BEAR Challenge 2024! Participating in this intensive three-day event at the University of … Continue reading “Reflections on the BEAR Challenge 2024”

BEAR Challenge 2023: A whirlwind of GPUs, AI, pizza and future prospects

The BEAR Challenge 2023 was an exciting three day event that allowed students to access a national Tier 2 supercomputer – the Baskerville High-Performance Computing (HPC) system, as well as hearing about careers in the area from leading industry specialists. Students tackled real-world problems in Artificial Intelligence (AI) using Baskerville’s GPUs. Pros.pro BEAR Challenge team … Continue reading “BEAR Challenge 2023: A whirlwind of GPUs, AI, pizza and future prospects”

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Bringing to BEAR – Creating a Challenge for the BEAR Challenge

This year June came around again and it’s BEAR Challenge time! This is an event we hold every year to try and introduce University of Birmingham undergraduates and masters’ students to the world of High-Performance Computing (HPC). This year we attracted ten groups of students from across the university from computer science, physics, maths, and … Continue reading “Bringing to BEAR – Creating a Challenge for the BEAR Challenge”

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