Thinking about writing about culture? Are you unsure which of the numerous University publications will suit your article? Well this post should clear some things up. We at the UoB Cultural Calendar wanted to highlight the six main reasons why you should write for us specifically, and what differentiates us from other publications around campus. Here’s the list:
- Cultural Events and Traditions: For other publications culture typically denotes arts activities, such as theatre, ballet and exhibitions, which take place in the local area. For us culture is more international. We encourage students to write about cultural days or occasions which are significant to them. These can be traditions, like Diwali, days of remembrance for important historical figures, like MLK, or even months of commemoration, like Black History Month. Our emphasis is on culture as it is commemorated and celebrated by different populations at different times worldwide!
- Less Red-Tape: To be published by other outlets on campus, you are often required to wait for editors to get back to you, or to work around the bureaucratic processes behind article publication. For us it’s as easy as sending a draft to , where your post will be proof-read, edited if necessary for spelling and grammar and uploaded to the blog.
- We Accept a Variety of Structures and Styles: Bored of the same typical newspaper format? We let our writers get creative with their blog formats. Previous bloggers have made posts in a 3-2-1 style, “listicles“, and as personal anecdotes. In regards to form, your creativity is the only limit!
- Multimedia Content & Flexibility: We accept images! Want to post about your experience through photographs with minimum text? We allow for it. We are also interested in conveying the multiple facets of what culture means to you. Want to write about food, for instance? That’s right up our street!
- Republishing Material: We’re not worried about if you’re sharing your article somewhere else. As long as you have permission to post your article with us, we’ll share it.
- Want to make campus more cultural?: Culture on campus is our prerogative. This means that if you want to see a more cultural campus–with celebrations like our recent Chinese/Lunar New Year events–writing for us is a great place to start!
Of course, any writing you do produce for us will be great for your portfolio and CV too–don’t forget that! If you’d like to write for us about an upcoming celebration please email your interest/draft to: and be sure to include ‘Cultural Calendar Blog’ in the email subject header. We look forward to reading your posts!
The Cultural Calendar Project Team.