Shavu’ot 25-27 May

Shavuot is one of the Jewish harvest festivals, also known as the festival or feast of ‘Weeks’. It takes place seven weeks after the first day of the spring festival of Passover and this year starts on the evening of 25 May, ending on the evening on 27 May. Originally an agricultural festival, marking the … Continue reading “Shavu’ot 25-27 May”

25 May 2023 by


Wesak, or Vesak, is the most important celebration in Buddhism. It commemorates Buddha’s birthday, this year on the 5th of May. It is the Day of the Full Moon, as the month of May usually has only one full moon. However, if there are two full moons in May, some countries (including Sri Lanka, Cambodia … Continue reading “Wesak”

5 May 2023 by

Deaf Awareness Week

Deaf Awareness Week runs from the 1st to the 7th of May this year, and the theme is access to communication. Approximately 12 million people in the UK suffer from deafness or hearing loss, and Deaf Awareness Week works to shine a light on how we can all support the deaf community through the challenges … Continue reading “Deaf Awareness Week”

1 May 2023 by

St George’s Day (23 April)

St George’s Day is celebrated on 23 April by various Christian churches and by the several nations, kingdoms, countries and cities of which Saint George is the patron saint, including England and regions of Spain and Portugal in particular.  St George is most widely known for slaying a dragon. According to legend, the only well in … Continue reading “St George’s Day (23 April)”

23 April 2023 by

Rama Navami (30 March)

Rama Navami is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birthday of Rama, the seventh avatar of the deity Vishnu. It falls on the ninth day of the bright half of Chaitra, the first month in the Hindu calendar. By the Gregorian calendar, this is usually in March or April – this year the festival occurs … Continue reading “Rama Navami (30 March)”

30 March 2023 by

Ramadan 22/3-21/4

The month of Ramadan is expected to begin on the evening of 22 March, following the sighting of the moon over Mecca. Lasting for 30 days, this year Ramadan will end on the evening of 21 April, depending on the sighting of the moon. The auspicious month of Ramadan is a time for reflection, contemplation … Continue reading “Ramadan 22/3-21/4”

22 March 2023 by