Why the Community Iftaar at the University at Birmingham was so special by Hamzah Ghani

Why the Community Iftaar at the University at Birmingham was so special by Hamzah Ghani Ramadan has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always spent the holy month of fasting and religious observances at home. As a disclaimer, in no way, shape or form am I … Continue reading “Why the Community Iftaar at the University at Birmingham was so special by Hamzah Ghani”

29 July 2019 by

Community Iftar – May 25th

The UoB Islamic Society’s Community Iftar was a huge success! Well over 400 people attended on the evening with representatives from the local area, and community officials all making appearances. This was the first ever event of its size on the Green Heart. It was also the second time that the Islamic Society had co-ordinated … Continue reading “Community Iftar – May 25th”

30 May 2019 by

The Ramadan Project 2019

The UoB Cultural Calendar are proud to announce that we will be collaborating with the UoB Islamic Society for their upcoming commemoration of Ramadan! Every year the Islamic Society organise a Ramadan Project, which provides a free Iftar and Taraweeh to staff, students, and the local community everyday of Ramadan in the Multi-faith Chaplaincy. This … Continue reading “The Ramadan Project 2019”

3 May 2019 by