Our next Romance Reading Group online session is based on Contemporary Romance.
Our first 21/22 session will be on next Monday 1st November 2021 from 18:00-19:00 via Zoom, so save the date in your calendars! RSVP via: https://romancegroup.wixsite.com/home/event-details/contemporary-romances
This month, the Romance Reading Group will be focusing on the most commercially-successful sub-genre of romance: Contemporary Romance. This academic year, the sessions will in the format of an open discussion, with no preparation is needed, so feel free to just come along and add something to our conversation!
We will be asking questions such as:
- What makes a romance contemporary?
- What do you love about this sub-genre?
- What are your favourite contemporary romance books/authors?
- How does this sub-genre contribute or interrogate the genre of romance?
- Does this genre lend itself to intersectionality?
Hope to see you on the 1st!