Latin and Germanic names in the Estoria de España (text 5)

In this new post we wanted to touch on the anthroponymy in the Estoria de España, particularly in fragment 5 of Transcribe Estoria, dedicated to the Archbishop of Toledo, called “Urbera”, who is said to have “brought to Asturias the holy relics and the books and the holy garment that Saint Mary gave to Saint … Continue reading “Latin and Germanic names in the Estoria de España (text 5)”

Guest Blog Post: Up Close and Personal with the Estoria de Espanna in Madrid

This is a guest blog post written by Nick Leonard, the Estoria project’s most active crowdsourcer and friend of the project. My interaction with two Estoria de Espanna manuscripts over the past 18 months, while enthralling in its own right, has largely taken the form of looking at lines of text through a digital magnifying glass. … Continue reading “Guest Blog Post: Up Close and Personal with the Estoria de Espanna in Madrid”

Guest Blog Post: From zero to Sevilla: the ‘estoria’ of one crowdsourcer’s experience on the EDIT project

This is a guest blog post written by Nick Leonard, one of the Estoria project’s merry band of crowdsourcers. The first time I laid eyes on a manuscript of the Estoria de Espanna, just over a year ago, I might as well have been looking at cuneiform or hieroglyphics: I could barely read a word. … Continue reading “Guest Blog Post: From zero to Sevilla: the ‘estoria’ of one crowdsourcer’s experience on the EDIT project”