MobileIron to replace Good: Helping you work from anywhere, anytime, on any device

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We are pleased to inform you that Good for Enterprise, our current Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) software, will soon be replaced by the latest generation of EMM – MobileIron.

MobileIron brings together a combination of security and EMM tools. This means we will be able to provide all staff with secure and seamless access to University apps, email and Wi-Fi – from anywhere, anytime, and on any device. There will also be a number of MobileIron apps available for download, such as:

Mobile@Work: An app that will connect your device to the University network, providing you with easy access to your email and other work resources.

Docs@Work: An app that will enable you to easily access and edit email attachments. In a few months, you will also have access to University files and filestores.

Web@Work: An app that will provide a secure web browser, enabling you to access internal web resources quickly.

Apps@Work: An app that will give you access to all the MobileIron apps. In the future, you will also be able to access University apps.

Email+: An app that will provide Outlook functionality — replacing Good for Enterprise.

When will it be available?

The plan is to release MobileIron in two phases:

Phase 1: w/c Monday 13 March
University staff who currently use Good for Enterprise will be the first to receive MobileIron. During this time, we will send out a communication regarding the release of MobileIron, and advising on any action required.

Phase 2: w/c Monday 24 April
MobileIron will be available to all University staff via the Service Catalogue. We will send out a communication, once MobileIron is ready for download.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of MobileIron, you may find this short animation of interest: ‘Making Mobile First’

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Anthony Ford, IT Services Manager.

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